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" Rabbits and Apples "
The rabbits are luckiest of animals that represent the years in Chinese culture.
It is used as a symbol of mercy, grace, beauty, peace and prosperity. The year 2023 is the year of the rabbit according to the Chinese calendar and it is predicted to be the year of hope. Apples symbolize the happy ending of stories in Turkish mythology. Sharing happiness and peace is achieved by sharing apples between the narrator and the audience which falls from the sky . In many different cultures, rabbits and apples have been used as symbols with different meanings and that causes different paradoxes in the globalizing world. In some narratives, the black rabbit has been accepted as bad luck, and an apple is the forbidden fruit. Our artists, who interpret the theme "Rabbits and Apples" in their own style, share the messages of their inner journeys with the audience.
Art unites and beautifies the soul.
Enjoy and explore !
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