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" Anatolian Leopard "
The Anatolian Leopard is a subspecies of the Persian leopard, which is widespread in the Middle East and Western Asia and lives in Anatolia. It was a creature thought to have become extinct in our lands a long time ago. It was seen by villagers in some regions, hunted a lot because of its fur, and took its place in stories as a very beautiful beast. In 1974, it came onto the radar of the villagers when it attacked an old woman and after following its tracks for a while, it was ambushed and hunted. The villagers proudly took photos and reported to the relevant authorities that they had caught the beast, which they called "Spotted". After this news was reported in the press, their joy turned into pain and sorrow when they learned that it was the last of its kind. In the following years, dead cubs were encountered from time to time, but the species did not show its existence for a long time. Photo traps were set up in various regions and efforts were made to identify its species, if any.
We share the struggle for survival of this precious creature. Our exhibition shows the creature within its experiences from its own perspective. Enjoy!

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